In a nutshell: Advertising content creators today have analytics for everything except tone – Helios changes that. Helios elevates media content creation, distribution and optimization by integrating world-class tonal analytics.
Amar: I spent a considerable amount of time as a product manager looking at how to transcribe content at scale. I’ve always been fascinated by tonal analysis on calls in the financial industry to ascertain signals from c-suite investor calls, taking analysis of content to the next level. Sean has done an impressive job at Helios on this already and there is considerable opportunity as Helios look to expand into other industries.
Amar: Can you tell us about your background and how you became a founder?
Sean: I spent my entire career at tech startups including audio giant Spotify. This passion for product coupled with my co-founder’s decades long career in neuroscience made it a perfect combination after a fifteen year friendship. We, of course, want to see this through to unicorn and decacorn status but it really is about making this world of technology better. We get so frustrated with terrible customer service calls and honestly we throw our hands up when we’re talking to people who just ignore our emotions. We think we can truly change the game and level the playing field forever.
Amar: What do you most enjoy about being an entrepreneur?
Sean: The thrill of creation. We’re talking about having the ability to re-write our society’s history by acting right now! It feels like if we just harness the right passion we can make a mark on the world that will be recognized forever.
Amar: What keeps you motivated?
Sean: We’re changing the way we interact with machines. Given the absolute symbiosis we’re achieving with computers, it feels as impactful as it comes.
Amar: What do you worry about when it comes to work?
Sean: Moving too slowly. The world moves at lightning speed and we want to always be leading the pack. It’s impossible to know everything happening so you have to trust your team and your own instincts.
Amar: What’s your biggest business learning?
Sean: You change every step of the journey. What worked eighteen months ago certainly won’t work today even though you’re the same people and potentially same team.
Amar: What advice would you give new and aspiring entrepreneurs?
Sean: Entrepreneurs don’t have to raise ten million dollars to start their business. In fact, all of my initial businesses raised as much money as you get from opening a credit card. I truly believe everyone has an opportunity to either join an impactful start-up or go out there and make it happen.
Amar: Anything else to add when it comes to your experiences as a founder?
Sean: Team is everything. Simple.
Amar: Tell us something most people don’t know about you…
Sean: It’s a humble brag but it is just such a part of me… at Spotify I grew Today’s Top Hits from no listeners to really the most influential channel in the world, period. It took 50,000 listening hours one year and countless hours of focus to really make that grow. It was incredible and always taught me you have to become the product, the persona, the target audience in order to make it just right.
Amar: What is the most important quality to possess as a leader?
Sean: Compassion. There is something that we all have in common that is the most important; time. We can’t buy more so understanding the people who follow you as a leader are giving you their time, energy and focus. It is humbling and your responsibility to lead them.
Amar: Have there been any positives to come out of the upheaval of the last two years for you or your business?
Sean: Our business becomes more valuable when volatility is at its highest. Since the world has been nearly on fire for two years straight in a positive or negative way everyone needs to understand each unit of communication even more. Helios offers a completely untapped channel via voice tone in earnings calls and beyond.
For more information on Helios, visit helioslife.enterprises. If you’d like your company to feature in the Argella Spotlight Series or find out more about how Argella advises and advances growing tech businesses, get in touch at info@argella.co.uk.